ChatGPT i Ka Leo Hawai'i
This article is part of a series discussing the ethical issues, services and skills of ChatGPT. The following text is a simplified Hawaiian version of the following article:
Simplified version:
ChatGPT is a program that can write like a human by reading millions of articles and books online from the searchable universe. It produces work in a chat format with perfect grammar and no spelling mistakes. It can deliver the results in many written styles, and synthesizes multiple sources together. ChatGPT also has the ability to extend its functionality by granting access to third-party knowledge sources and databases. While Google search provides a list of URLs, ChatGPT provides a contextualized summary and can be queried further in a logical progressive flow of thinking. This article also explores how ChatGPT might offer value to certain sectors, jobs, and industries.
Translation into Hawaiian
'O ChatGPT he holomua e kāko'o ana i kānaka i ka hana ma ke kikokiko ma ka heluhelu i nā nūpepa a me nā puke mai ka honua hoʻoholoʻokoʻa. E hāpai ana i ka hana ma ke kikokiko me ke kūlana maikaʻi a me ka ʻole o nā hapa ʻōlelo. Hiki iā ia ke hāpai i nā hana ma nā loina kākau like a me ka hoʻomakaʻana o nā ʻumiʻumi o nā ʻike kumu. He mau waihona ʻike hou hoʻi ko ChatGPT. I mea e ʻike ai i kēia holomua, e wehewehe ana kēia moʻolelo i ke ʻano e hiki ai i ChatGPT ke hoʻohana ma nā lālā, hana, a me nā kumuhana likeʻole.