Vizor: Scan → Qualify → Read
I attempted to code and design a tool where people could filter their news feed with speed. That was hard, I called it Vize.
My adventures in code, frameworks, technologies and digital creation tools.
I attempted to code and design a tool where people could filter their news feed with speed. That was hard, I called it Vize.
Get ready to be totally amazed for this ultra hard test of your skill, knowledge and speed. Which path do you choose? Take the test now.
Coding an experimental project where you can refine your search by using a simple slider. I think it's a pretty handy tool for refining your own knowledge network. The main concept is being able to filter your results by your network of friends. That is, you type your
In the new era of content management systems, which ones pique interest?
Today's first livestream on Twitch [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/390495475]. After playing with Switcher Studio in 2017 I went via OBS this time. Very easy. I tried two live stream broadcast methods: 1. OBS to Restream to Twitch/YouTube 2. OBC to Twitch Restream had great quality
Started researching Amazon Web Services Amplify, I got the feeling Google Firebase was reaching its limits.
Have started re-writing the Ignite Studios website front-end into Bootstrap + Jekyll. ⚡️Deploys to Firebase. To learn more about static website click here [https://www.weblinkindia.net/blog/static-vs-dynamic-website-advantages-disadvantages] . Here is a preview of the home page. Thanks to Chris Banes [https://twitter.com/chrisbanes] for this assist [https://chris.banes.