
Tēnā koe. Nau mai, haere mai ki te ipu mātauranga a Kingi. I roto I tēnei wāhi, I hopungia au ngā whakaaro kē mo te pupuritia ake te kaupapa Māori me te reo Māori me ōna tikanga katoa.

Local: More Than A Label: Sir Bob Jones versus Renae Maihi ... the media headlines


Local: More Than A Label: Sir Bob Jones versus Renae Maihi ... the media headlines

Dear TVNZ Editors & Headline Writers, Thank you for changing the headline on one of your articles [https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/wont-sue-her-lot-because-would-seem-like-im-bullying-sir-bob-jones-explains-why-hes-suing-woman-wants-him-stripped-knighthood] written by Emily Cooper. It used to be headlined: > "Sir Bob Jones to sue Maori woman who wants him stripped of his knighthood.